Festival d'Aix-en-Provence

13100 Aix-en-Provence
A word about this company
Every year since 1948, the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence has been boasting a programme of great diversity: opera productions, Mozart operas and early works, major creations, rediscovery of Baroque masterpieces, chamber orchestra operas and exceptional series of concerts. With this diversity, the Festival caters for an ever growing enthusiastic audience of over 81 000 spectators in June and July 2014 and was awarded “Best festival of the year by the International opera awards 2014 in London. The Festival has opened resolutely new horizons in the domains of artistic creation by fostering young talents. It is with this objective that the Festival wishes to see its opera productions thrive in our contemporary world and travel widely to prestigious national and international venues. In 2014, the Académie du Festival d’Aix welcomed over 250 young artists coming from all around the world and turning the Festival into an extraordinary platform of exchange in a shared passion for creation and opera… Among those artists, 90 musicians coming from countries all around the Mediterranean formed the Orchestre des jeunes de la Méditerranée which is now an integrated part of the Festival and allows to foster numerous projects with cultural actors of those countries. Renowned for its artistic excellence, the Festival d’Aix has over the last years developed into a unique place where innovation is the key word: education and audience innovation with extensive outreach and education programmes, artistic innovation with leading visual artists, cultural innovation with a unique network of international collaborations.
General information
Website www.festival-aix.comFacebook www.facebook.com/festivaldaixenprovence?v=wall