Binckhorstlaan 135
2516 BA The Hague
2516 BA The Hague
A word about this company
Based in The Hague, the Netherlands, OPERA2DAY is a performing arts company that focuses on the production of opera and music theatre. OPERA2DAY takes an enthusiasm for the tradition of opera and embeds it within the time and setting of the modern day. Productions are performed in the Royal Theatre in The Hague and in theatres throughout the Netherlands. OPERA2DAY also produces site specific opera and music theatre on exiting locations, such as an abandoned 19th century hospital, a church, a fish auction or on the beach.
General information
E-mail info@opera2day.nlPhone +31 (0) 6 29199337
Website www.opera2day.nl
Facebook www.facebook.com/pages/Opera2day/194190517268911
On Twitter