Europa InCanto

Piazza G. Mazzini 8
Via Nomentana, 91 - 00161- Rome
00195 Rome
Via Nomentana, 91 - 00161- Rome
00195 Rome
A word about this company
Singing the opera, staging it, studying it, knowing it and loving it. These are some of the main purposes of the Associazione Musicale Europa InCanto. The musical association that, thanks to its numerous initiatives, puts in contact children aging 4 to 13 with the ‘enchant’ of the musical theater, thus educating a future audience that is attentive and with a wider knowledge. Since its birth in 2012, Europa InCanto is succeeding in its goal thanks to its project called Scuola InCanto: an educational path aiming to let the young students approach the opera. Last edition alone, more than 40’000 students from 400 comprehensive schools spread all over the country took part in the project. The most prestigious Italian opera houses have collaborated, including the Teatro Argentina di Roma, Teatro di San Carlo di Napoli, Teatro della Pergola di Firenze, Teatro Mario del Monaco di Treviso and Teatro Sociale di Rovigo.Scuola InCanto introduces the world of melodrama to the students, having them studying during the school-year a specific piece of opera. The educational path includes the training of teachers, the creation of music laboratories in the schools and an active participation to a final play. There, the students are given the opportunity of getting on stage with professional singers for singing along with them the arias they have learned, and performing some of them in the LIS (the Italian Sign Language). The path is supported by specific teaching material, consisting in a text-book and an interactive karaoke DVD. These are essential tools for a common learning, and are aimed to bring opera not only into the schools, but also in the homes and families of the ones who take part. The 2017/2018 edition will focus on the studying of Giuseppe Verdi’s "Aida" and will be partnered by renowned theaters: The Teatro Comunale di Bologna, Teatro Pergolesi di Jesi and Teatro Salieri di Legnago, in addition to the aforementioned ones.
Prizes and Awards
The project Scuola InCanto has received the certification Progetto di Eccellenza (Project of Excellence) by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research in the field “Teatro in Classe” (in English, Theater in Class) in 2015. Moreover, Scuola InCanto has been selected as “Buona Pratica Culturale di Eccellenza nella Regione Lazio nel 2016”, a prize given by the Lazio Region rewarding the associations who bring about excellent cultural initiatives. Plus, Europa InCanto has received in 2013 the prestigious Premio Illica, for the cultural and educational value of its activities for the young. Remarkable, also, is the association’s partnerships with institutions and local authorities, as well as the sponsors it counts: Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, France - AEFE (Agence pour l’einsegnement français à l’étranger); Associazione Teatro di Roma; Accademia di Arte Drammatica Silvio D’Amico di Roma; Ufficio Scolastico Regionale del Lazio, della Campania, della Toscana e del Veneto; Casa dei Teatri di Roma (Teatro di Villa Torlonia); Fondazione Cassamarca; Assessorato all’Istruzione del Comune di Orvieto; Comune di Matera; Patrocinio della Regione Lazio e dell’Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Roma.
The titles of the previous editions:
2012/2013: “The Magic Flute” by W. A. Mozart
2012/2013: “Rigoletto” by Giuseppe Verdi
2013/2014: “Il barbiere di Siviglia” by Gioachino Rossini
2014/2015: “La Traviata” by Giuseppe Verdi
2015/2016: “La Cenerentola” by Gioachino Rossini
2016/2017: “The Magic Flute” by W. A. Mozart
Next Production:
2017/2018: "Aida" by Giuseppe Verdi
General information
E-mail info@europaincanto.itPhone +39 06 89718699
On Youtube
Scuola InCanto by Europa InCanto